Thursday, December 4, 2008
Unplug this Holiday Season
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Breakfast with a Moose
Labor Day weekend began with a hike up Bald Mountain (picture on right). It was steep, but fun. It is around two miles and easy to get to from the Mirror Lake Highway. The view from the top is fantastic at close to 12,000 feet. Although, there were a couple of narrow, scary spots on the trail that you have to scramble over and not look down.
The next weekend was a trip to Las Vegas where my cousin was getting married (no, not in an Elvis Chapel). It was fun seeing the Hanson set of cousins and running into them at all the casinos. Hearing about my sister almost getting arrested for pretending she was going to steal my mom's purse was pretty hilarious. At two in the morning security is pretty fast. Needless to say, after being up late for three nights it was a long drive back.
Friday we decided to take a trip to Jackson Hole. It was great weather. We camped at Gros Ventre Campground in Grand Teton National Park. We woke up and had a bull, cow, and calf moose about 200 feet from our camp site (double-click to enlarge picture to see the size of his spoons). It was pretty awesome they were just sitting there staring at us and the swarm of photographers that showed up. The day was followed by a hike around Swan Lake, lunch at Jackson Lake Lodge, and a grizzly bear sighting on the way home. What a great way to spend a weekend.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Sheryl Crow
It made me think back to all the concerts I've been to, which doesn't amount to very many: Sting, Dave Mathew's Band, Doc Watson, Broken Valley Roadshow, Southern Culture on the Skids, Natalie Merchant, The Police (twice), Brooks Williams, Sawyer Brown, and Alabama (yes, I am from Spanish Fork and I was only seven years old but managed to get all their autographs).
My favorite show of all time: The Police. We won front row tickets to their Seattle concert in 2007 and saw them again five days later in Denver. We hopped a plane to Seattle, ate lunch in the Space Needle, and went to the show that night. When I went back to work the next day, I had to brag that I saw Sting's underwear. Yes, I was close enough to read the label and, in case you're wondering, he was wearing Calvin Klein (although I couldn't tell you if they were boxers or briefs).
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Flaming Gorge
I had the opportunity to go there this weekend for a friend's wedding ceremony. We visited the Green River and hiked up the trail. I saw some wild turkeys near Little Hole which I never saw any of the years I worked there. I guess it could be due to the fact that the wildland fire that burned around Dutch John and Little Hole changed some of the habitat.
It made me think about all the crazy stunts we used to do after work at night (most of which I can't mention here). In a town of less than one hundred people you come up with some crazy stuff. How do you stay up until five in the morning and then go to work at six? I guess in a way maybe my "habitat" has also changed over the past ten years. I've found new and amazing places to frequent, but this place remains among my favorite places in the world.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
What I've Been Up To...
I love my job with the Forest Service, but it does little for the creative side of my brain so I find myself writing books. This summer I met some literary agents at the Jackson Hole Writer's Conference and have started sending out queries to some of them. To see more about my writing, check out my website at
In 1998, I got married to my fellow trail crew partner and wildland firefighter Walt. He fought fires for the past ten years and is currently in the process of a career change.